Reciprocal Borrowing
Many area residents cross county lines in their daily commute.
The location of political boundaries and mobility of Central Florida residents have led to the
realization that library users are better served through the sharing of resources among library systems.
In an effort to provide Lake County residents with the freedom of access to information, the Lake County Library System (LCLS) has entered into agreements which will allow LCLS patrons to borrow library materials from the Central Florida libraries listed below.
How Reciprocal Borrowing Works
Reciprocal borrowing enables you, as a Lake County resident, to check out materials from any of the libraries listed in this brochure without paying a nonresident fee.
Present your valid resident Lake County library card and appropriate ID with your current residential address at any participating library. You will be presented with a special library card for that county system. Cards are good for one year and may be renewed for additional one year periods.
Resident patrons of participating county libraries may also obtain a Lake County Library System library card in the same manner. Present your valid Marion, Seminole or Volusia County library card and proof of residence at any of the Lake County Library System member or branch libraries. You will be presented with a special library card. Please be aware that some Lake County Library System services may be limited or excluded with this card.
Materials must be returned to one of the libraries in the county from which it was borrowed. A book is not considered returned until it reaches the library of origin. An overdue charge will be assessed on materials returned past the due date. Be aware that circulation rules may vary depending on the lending library.