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News Release

For immediate release - October 5, 2024

Astor Branch Library Temporarily Closed

 The Lake County Library System is pleased to announce the upcoming relocation of the Astor Branch Library to its new location. To prepare for the move, the old library will close at the end of the day on Saturday, Oct. 5. The transition to the new library facility is on track following a successful partnership with the construction company.

During the week of Oct. 7, library staff, alongside Facilities and contracted movers, will box up all books and materials for transport to the new location. The County Library System anticipates the soft opening of the new Astor Branch Library to take place on Wednesday, Oct. 23, barring any unforeseen issues related to inspections or furniture deliveries. In the weeks leading up to the move, library staff, alongside Facilities and contracted movers, will box up all books and materials for transport to the new location. Additionally, construction teams will disconnect the sanitation lines from the old Astor Branch Library and oversee the reconnection to the new building. This crucial phase will include thorough inspections to ensure all systems are operational and compliant. Once completed, the library's soft opening will commence.

The County Library System looks forward to welcoming the community to the new Astor Branch Library and is excited about the enhanced services and facilities it will offer.


Media contact:
Michael Springer
Support Services Manager

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