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News Release

For immediate release - March 6, 2017

New “Little Free Library” Branch at ViaPort Florida Mall

The Friends of the Leesburg Library, Inc., working with the management of ViaPort Florida Mall, has created and installed a “Little Free Library” branch, conveniently located near the Kid’s Zone. This unique library service is quickly becoming popular with families across the U.S.

“Little Free Library” is a nonprofit organization that inspires a love of reading and sparks creativity by fostering neighborhood book exchanges around the world. Started by Todd Bol in 2009, the mission is to promote literacy and the love of reading by building free book exchanges everywhere. The Friends of the Leesburg Library supports this worldwide movement to offer free books housed in small, charming containers (think giant birdhouses) to members of our local community.

Through little free libraries, readers of all ages exchange millions of books each year, profoundly increasing access to books for readers of all ages and backgrounds. “Take a book, leave a book” is the motto of this innovative library service. The intent is to get books into households in the community to encourage reading and discovery.

The initial focus is Early Literacy, and the books stocked in Leesburg’s “Little Free Library” are mostly for children, but books for adults and teens are also included. Next time you visit the mall, look for the cute, miniature, green library, and take a book to read or share.

The Leesburg Public Library is located at 100 East Main Street. For more information, email Josephine Dix at Josephine.Dix@leesburgflorida.gov or call (352) 728-9790.


Media contact:
Josephine Dix
Program Coordinator

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